Saturday, February 24, 2007

Life check

I am in a venture ride in exploring and embracing new ideas....
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Friday, February 23, 2007

Rela ku rempit

Enjoy this nice video sang by ustaz... muahahahhaha

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

4 Tips To Increase Profitability

This is just for my reference easier for me to refer.

I was reading an FXstreet session transcript and wanted to post the information contained about determining trends mainly because it is similar to how I gauge what the trend is. This method applies to trading shorter time frames since it only takes into account the previous two days. What data do you need to determine the current trend?

1. Pivot Point
2. LOPS1 or the low of the previous session
3. HOPS1 or the high of the previous session
4. LOPS2 or the low of the session before the previous session
5. HOPS2 or the high of the session before the previous session

I define a session as one day. Here are the trend criteria:

Possible Uptrend with range-bound bias

* Price above pivot point
* Price below HOPS1 and HOPS2

Possible Downtrend with range-bound bias

* Price below pivot point
* Price above LOPS1 and LOPS2

Strong Uptrend

* Price above pivot point
* Price above HOPS1 but below HOPS2

Strong Downtrend

* Price below pivot point
* Price below LOPS1 but above LOPS2

Very Strong Uptrend

* Price above pivot point
* Price above both HOPS1 and HOPS2

Very Strong Downtrend

* Price below pivot point
* Price below both LOPS1 and LOPS2

The 4 Tips To Increase Profitability are:

1. Effectively Determine the Trend
2. Use Indicator Signals
3. Use Price Behavior
4. Consistency is the Key
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Monday, February 05, 2007

Why can't I remember my dreams

Two possible causes are depression or stress. To start remembering your dreams again, write in a journal, try to analyze even the smallest bits of a dream that you remember, and tell yourself before you go to bed at night that you will remember your dreams in the morning. Good luck and sleep tight.

Rule number 1: Dont forget your dreams
Rule number 2: Dont forget rule number 1
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Bike reference

Just putting this up here just for my reference in case I want to do something with my bike.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Busted! Britney Potty

Guess what! Britney spears doesnt even know how to operate the gas pump. Might as well gimme the do you really wanna be famous and glamour and people following you everywhere you go?

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Terlalu Istimewa

This sad song just touch my heart especially the kids. Such an innocent child. It is a nice song which have such a meaningfull lyrics. Enjoy...

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Thursday, February 01, 2007


Im starting to feel good these days...
Wonder why is that so...
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